Start Spreading the Word!

When it comes to making introductions, first impressions are very important. Whether you’re introducing a new business location, new employees, or even a new product or service, introductory marketing pieces are a great way to make a lasting impact. A professionally printed introductory piece can establish credibility, build report, and pique interest. However, it’s important […]

The Power of Lists

Lists are more than just an effective way to grab attention. They’re also great at getting key points across quickly and increasing readership. Here are a few tips to help you use lists more effectively in your marketing: Use abbreviated or partial lists on marketing pieces, such as postcards and email campaigns, and encourage readers […]

Be a Drama Queen!

Yes, being a drama queen is typically a negative. But there is one instance where it is actually a big positive. Imagine you are in a stadium filled with your most ideal prospects. You have one chance to present and pitch your product or service. Say the right thing, and every one of them will […]

An Internal Newsletter Your Team Will Love

While newsletters are a great way to build relationships with customers, many companies overlook the team-building opportunity an internal newsletter offers within their own doors, as well. Internal newsletters are a great way not only to learn more about colleagues, but also to keep employees informed about company news, events, and other important announcements. Here […]

The Power of Words

Here’s a little story about how the power of words can evoke emotion, especially in the world of marketing. An elderly blind man was sitting on a busy street corner with a cardboard sign next to an empty tin cup. The sign read, “Blind — Please help.” People would glance at the sign, but nobody […]

An Important Message from…You

If your business is looking for a great way to relay important messages and create a favorable impression of your company, consider a “message from the owner” (or president, CEO, etc.). Here are a few tips to create a “message” that speaks for itself: In addition to creating a standard “mission statement” message from the […]

Boost Sales with FAQs

Many people enjoy shopping online for one main reason: convenience. A frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on your website will save your customers time by providing them with quick answers and relevant advice. At the same time, it will also save you time by eliminating repetitive questions. A well-produced FAQ will reinforce buying decisions and […]

What’s Your Story?

Want to breathe some life into your marketing? Try telling a story. The art of storytelling is as old as civilization itself. Through the years, storytellers have used their skills to educate, entertain, enthrall, and explain the world around them. Heroes, villains, gods, and demons. Storytellers breathe life into their characters and keep their audiences […]