Your Honor, I Object!

When you’re in any kind of selling situation, getting objections from your prospect is actually a very positive sign. Many will see the objection as a “no” when that really isn’t the case at all. When your prospect objects, what they’re really saying is that some issue is causing them to pause and hesitate. The […]

Good, Better, or Best

When it comes to upselling your product line, a tiered marketing strategy can accelerate the research-buying process for your customers, give you a competitive edge, and increase your bottom line through increased revenue. Here are a few tips to help you take advantage of a tiered selling technique: Provide a comparison chart that outlines various […]

S-L-O-W Down!

We live in the age of speed. From fast cars to fast food. From text messaging to the microwave. The number of hours in the day didn’t increase, but what we think we need to accomplish did. In this hurried environment, it has become more difficult than ever to get a marketing message heard. Even […]

Turn Customers into Salespeople

One of the most cost effective ways to grow your business is by letting your customers do the selling for you via referrals. Here are a few tips on how to grow your business through customer referrals: Create a customer referral program. For example, provide custom printed referral cards that provide an exclusive discount to […]

Perfect Pitch

Perfect pitch is a musical term for the ability to recognize any note on the scale just by hearing it — or to sing any note on the scale without a point of reference. Experts say only one in 10,000 people have this ability, though others may possess elements of the skill. In sales, we […]

Would You Like Fries With That?

If you’ve ever eaten at a fast-food restaurant, surely you’ve been asked, “Would you like fries with that?” or “Would you like to supersize your meal?” Cross-selling involves presenting customers with complementary products or services to consider above and beyond their initial purchase. Here are a few tips on how to successfully cross-sell (or up-sell) […]

The More You Tell, the More You Sell!

In order to satisfy today’s information-hungry audience, K.I.S.S. (keep it simple sweetie) doesn’t always apply. Prospects and customers are looking for detailed information to help them make informed decisions. Here are a few tips to help you educate your audience about the products and services you sell: Make your marketing materials more educational. Include a […]

7 Rules for Prospecting in 2012

The best way to not only survive the recession but to actually thrive in it is to bring in new clients and new business. Growth is possible, even in this economic climate. The lifeblood of all businesses is gaining new clients. Acquiring new clients is challenging enough in any environment, but especially today. The lack […]