Lessons from a Cracked Pot

I’d like to share a story with you that I heard recently. It may be familiar to you, but I think it bears repeating… Each morning, a servant would carry water to his master’s house from a nearby stream using two large clay pots, hung on opposite ends of a long pole. One of the […]

A Lesson from the Stands

Sports and business have long enjoyed a unique connection. Many of the traits shared by top athletes and coaches are as valuable in the boardroom as they are in the locker room. Authors, speakers, and business consultants often use sports-related anecdotes and stories to illustrate points they’re trying to make to a business audience. Today, […]

Finding inspiration in unlikely places

Inspiration can come from the most unlikely sources. According to snopes.com, the shape for Coca-Cola’s iconic bottle came from the cacao tree seed pod. The bottle’s designer found the plant pictured in the Encyclopedia Britannica, while he was looking for information on the two plants for which Coca-Cola is named (the coca leaf and kola […]