Improve Customer Loyalty

It’s far more cost-effective to retain existing customers than it is to attract new ones. Here are a few tips to increase customer retention rates by improving your customer loyalty: Mail personalized thank you cards showing your appreciation for recent purchases or interest in your products and services. Create a customer loyalty program that offers […]

Your VIP Clients

Even if you’ve already heard these statistics before or intuitively know them to be true based on your own experience, it may still be a bit startling to see them here again: It can cost up to 7 times more to acquire one new customer than to keep a current one. The likelihood of a […]

Be a Real Partner

Business used to be much simpler. The formula for success was to provide value, convenience, and great customer service, which in turn led to referrals that became new clients. This tried and true cycle kept the business world moving forward. Somewhere along the way, however, the rules seem to have changed, and the apple cart […]

Please Give Me a Call

With the recent explosion of marketing avenues available to businesses, it’s easy to forget some of the fundamental building blocks that go into making a company successful. Take, for instance, that telephone in your office. It may not be as sexy or new as social media, but it packs a much bigger and more immediate […]