Many salespeople spend too much time pitching and not enough timing asking questions. It is easy to forget that while you don’t have to ask questions to sell, you will sell a lot more if you do ask questions.

Why are questions so important? Because the answers will help identify a prospect’s real objections, as well as their emotional hot buttons.

We all know that knowledge is power. This is especially true in negotiations. The more questions you ask, the more knowledge you gain about your prospects and customers, and the better you can provide the products and services they desire. The more efficient you become at giving them exactly what they want, the more likely they will be to become loyal customers.

Here are a few helpful questions to consider to get the sales ball rolling:

  • What can you tell me about your organization… and yourself?
  • What do you like about your current situation?
  • What don’t you like about it?
  • Can you describe your ideal product or service?
  • What are your organization’s priorities?
  • What influenced you to start this project now?
  • What can you tell me about your decision-making process?
  • What other options are you considering?
  • Can you tell me about the people involved in this process?
  • Do you have any obstacles in the way of moving this forward?
  • How will the funding for this project be justified?
  • Does this have support at the executive level?